Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008

Online-Offices galore

Recently inspired by some news on the recent changes on online work & collabs, here's a short list of online office apps & office tools:

http://docs.google.com (good ol Google)
http://www.officelive.com (MS apps)
http://www.adobe.com/acom/buzzword/ (Adobes nice word app + online colab)

http://basecamphq.com/ (great project management app with all extras)
http://www.rememberthemilk.com (awesome todo list with geo info & task sharing)

Thoughts & Links (Tue. June 10th 2008)

Wii - Nintendo Channel
Absolutely great idea! After launching Wii Ware to spread software faster and implement independant software this is the next big move. The Nintendo channel is more of a marketing channel to create stickieness. The best thing: If you have a DS you can download Demos via a Wii.

New MTV Series - Viral via Youtube
A friend and I just stumpled upon Fur TV which seems to be a MTV production. Great stuff, very funny. It combines different great MTV ideas (e.g. Cribs).

Signed up for Seesmic today and I'm convinced of it. Great work and it's a lot of fun. For those who haven't heard of it, it's a video chat community. It's easy to use, works great although it's in open alpha and the people are really nice.

Sonntag, 1. Juni 2008

Barcamp Bodensee (Lake Contance) - First media

I'm sitting here in Friedrichshafen, enjoying some nice discussions and the good weather. I though I should put some links up to media and stuff about the Barcamp:

Here's the Tweetscan "channel" (tag #bcbs):

Links & Articles about BCBS @ mixxt:

Barcamp Livestream:

Flickr BCBS Pool:

Flickr Album of Bodenseepeter, the bike guru:

Flickr Album from Roman H:

Press fotos from Flo R. @ live.com:

Flickr Album from Marc:

bsbc tags on Ipernity:

Want youre link posted here? Mail / Twitter me!

Postings I stumpled upon...
Stepan Sigloch with some nice stuff on SEO (with "barcamp bodensee") and on "metasyntaktischen Variablen Bar und Foo" ;)